i love you, all of you

Seaport District
Boston, Massachusetts

This piece is covering two individual doors on the parking garage of 111 Autumn Lane. So the statement had to work together and individually. I came up with the statement ‘I Love You, All Of You’, when I was on a site and away from the family for a little over two weeks. While I was initially welcoming the break, within a few days, I realized how much I was longing for the family, even the nighttime wake-ups and hectic mornings. I realized that I truly loves every single aspect of my partner and my kids. So the ‘All Of You’ was pertaining to the whole entire being of my family, even the parts that I may need a break from every now and then. When looking at the sentence as a whole, it can also be seen as an expression of acceptance and a welcoming message to everyone who views it.

Project made possible WS Development and Seaport Boston



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